Yes. As it is presented in the current bill, it would exclude that class of people. I would not exclude them, even though I understand that on the face of it, it sounds as if you're supporting abusers, which obviously you don't want to do. However, to leave out the people who would potentially need that support and who would be excluded unintentionally could cause dire consequences for them.
To follow up a little, I understand there's a cost involved for employers, but I want to reiterate that not addressing this issue and not empowering people who are being abused to leave the setting and have the time off and the finances to do it means that the abuse goes on. This comes at a huge cost for employers. Again, the cost to employers as a result of spousal violence is $68.5 million in lost productivity.
Although there is a cost there, we can also see that allowing women the means to leave the situation sooner is better for them and better for their families, and it will save on lost productivity for employers in the long run.