I understand what you are saying. That is why I was excluding the 20% with the lowest incomes and the 20% with the highest incomes. You then have 60% of Canadians left.
If you want to start with the third bracket, and exclude the poorest 30% and the richest 30%, which leaves the 40% in the middle class, this would mean that absolutely no one who earns between $21,900 and $42,600 will have a tax reduction.
We are talking about the middle class and nine million taxpayers, but there will be 18 million taxpayers who will not benefit from any tax reduction. They will get nothing. That is why I asked the Parliamentary Budget Officer for the study. I wanted to make sure that we would understand the distribution if there were a change that would affect the first tax bracket.
According to the two definitions I gave you of the middle class, taxpayers would see some benefit. But in this case, you are increasing the taxation rate for about 1% of the population to give this back to 30% of the population, which leaves the other 70% with nothing.
Do you disagree with what I have just said?