Yes, to your point, we and others have done some surveys. I think one of the things you referred to was from a broader business point of view, three big issues, but two in particular. One is regulation. I think 61% of the respondents said that they thought there's a major issue in Canada on that front. Then on the tax rates, as was mentioned before, when we dug into them, we thought that more could be done in regard to the newer innovations, so that we have a modernized tax system as opposed to one built on the industrial side of it.
Again, we're fortunate. When we looked at our endowment, if you will, in Canada—and I use that in the broadest sense of the term, meaning the talent, the natural resources, and so forth—we have all of what we need as we look ahead. What we're saying is, let's try to make it as easy as possible for people to be able to build, obviously in a safe manner. We think there are a lot of things that get in the way of doing that.
Again, on the tax side, you said that the last time we did this was over 30 years ago. The system has changed. We were arguing for a more targeted approach, thinking about the future and innovation, because there are things that are in place that won't be needed, and there are things that aren't there that should be there, if you know what I mean, when we think about some of the new capabilities that are required.
The overarching thing, if I might say, is also just speed. If you notice the time it takes to get a construction project done in Canada versus other places, it's significantly longer. The time frames just take longer, and that costs businesses and entrepreneurs.