Okay. As we get to the skill side, this is an area that we felt very strongly about in the growth council. We're worried about the technology change that's happening at a pace and a scale we haven't seen before. We think that in the order of 10% to 12% of Canadian jobs will be displaced by technology by 2030. I think that's conservative, that it's an underestimate. We had a lot of debate on that in the council. The challenge, though, is that when 10% to 12% of people have their jobs changed, they will probably be at an average age of somewhere between 40 and 55. We're not talking about new entrants coming into the workforce.
This whole idea of re-skilling at scale we think is a very important problem globally. We haven't seen any country deal with this. We tried to learn. There are some very good small examples of what countries are trying to do about it, but we think we need something more comprehensive.
The two specific recommendations here are that we establish what we call a “Canada lifelong learning fund” to help Canadians to be able to invest in re-skilling throughout their lives, so that we don't have this idea that once you're 24 or 25, you're done, and that hopefully you can find jobs as you move on from there. There's going to need to be continual re-skilling, which we all have to do, and some sort of a fund to help Canadians do it.
We think employees and the government need to play a part in this. We weren't very specific about who exactly does what. I think it's probably because it's beyond our remit, but we tried to size it. We think it's potentially about another $15 billion a year. Again, we're not saying that government pays for that. We're saying that there has to be some joint arrangement among the three parties to be able to do this.
The second specific recommendation here was to shift our employment centres—we have about 1,000 of them across the country—so they are not just places where you go to find a job, but also where you go if you want to think about the skills you need as you go forward. We base this on some learning the German system is going through now. They've had some very successful pilots in reconfiguring their employment centres to ongoing skill development centres for people to be able to look at. Those were the two recommendations there. The concern we have is the scale of re-skilling we need. There's a lot of data in the material to show estimates by job type and so forth, but we felt the need for something significant on that side.
I'll stop there. Sorry for talking for so long.