I think you make a great point that we need to do much more to help support our SMEs and businesses going abroad. And to your point, I think, one, we probably do need to spend more to do that, but also maybe do some things differently as well.
If you look at Germany, where well over 50% of SMEs export globally, when a big German company goes overseas to do, let's say, a China trade road show with the chancellor, the big companies bring their SMEs with them. They bring their supply chain with them. I think we could be doing a lot more of that in Canada. When a large Canadian company goes over, they should bring the SMEs with them because, as you said, the SMEs can't afford to fly around to all these different places, but if they're actually good suppliers to this particular company, chances are they can.
I think, one, is there could be a lot more co-operation with the large companies. That doesn't happen as much as it could.
The second thing I think you're getting to is the focus as well, because we know from a macro point of view where some of the big growth opportunities are from a Canadian perspective, just given the businesses that we have. If you take the automotive sector or agricultural sector or financial services sector, we know, and I think we could be more targeted about, saying, look, here are six places that you should go to and let's match them with the companies that are there and be more proactive about matching people.
The third is that I think we could have much more of a diplomatic effort, if you will, to attaching ourselves to these technology-driven markets in China. The Taobao, that is for SMEs. It's for Chinese SMEs that have been attached to that system. There's no reason Canadian companies can't.
I think those are other elements of what we need to do, but I would agree—it's a long-winded way of saying it—we do need to do more. We're an export-driven country that will always, I think, be that way, but we are punching below our weight, especially on the SMEs, and there's no reason why not. We've got some amazing companies that are here. I would definitely be leaning forward on that.