There are some really heartbreaking stories. One of them is Linda Chamberlain, a single mother who struggled with schizophrenia for many years. Finally, she got a job, a job she loved. Within two months, though, she realized she would not be able to survive if she kept the job, because she was going to be roughly $250 poorer having a job than she would be without one. So she quit. It's heartbreaking because she loved the job. Her co-workers loved her, and they held a nice party for her to say goodbye. She's stayed on social assistance and in public housing ever since. This is someone who could have had a life of independence. She might have slowly increased her wages to a level where she required no assistance at all, but the system defeated her. All parties, and all levels of government, are responsible for it. We pulled some of the steps out of the ladder, and so you can't climb if there are three or four steps in the ladder missing. I hope your group can look at this. I proposed a private member's bill that would oblige all governments to ensure that for every $1,000 a worker with disability earns, they never lose more than a $1,000 in taxes and clawbacks. This is something for you to consider.
My second question is with regard to the massive debt levels that are sloshing around the system after a decade and a half of low interest rates, and seven or eight years of extraordinarily low rates. In Canada we have high levels of both consumer debt and government debt. South of the border, in part because of some irresponsible senate budget decisions just last week, the debt deficit will probably reach a trillion dollars by next year. This kind of insane government spending is going to leave future taxpayers in a crisis position, not just south of the border but around the world. I wonder if you have views on how Canada is positioned for the day, which is inevitable, when rates rise and both governments and households find themselves unable to service their debts.