Of course, the reason it wouldn't be declared is that they wouldn't want the $10,000 limit to then be tracked and the information to go to FINTRAC and all the other places. There would be a reason why you wouldn't declare.
Obviously I understand that you can't know what you can't see, but that then tells me that you are not receiving information on the other side from banks, real estate agents, and so on regarding cash transactions. This cash is coming from somewhere, and if it's not coming out of a Canadian bank, then it's coming from somewhere via a person from somewhere else. That tells me that you don't have the data on the other side regarding how much cash is entering into our system, especially in the real estate market. Then you would be able to somewhat understand what's being missed. Obviously there would be nothing precise, but you would have some ability to understand that there is a lot being missed if it's coming in over the border, essentially.
You don't get that information from banks, do you? Banks don't tip off CBSA and say, “We just had this large cash transaction.”