Let me just clarify the initial response I gave you with respect to the Federation case. We are looking at ways to allow for the Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering) and Terrorist Financing Act to operate within the context of what the Supreme Court will give us by way of wiggle room. Based on that case, there just is not a lot of wiggle room, but we are exploring all the different avenues. Plus, we will be speaking with the Federation society, as well as the various provincial law societies, to see what's available for us there.
In terms of the beneficial ownership, the Department of Justice is working with the Department of Finance in looking at setting up in the immediate term a method by which corporations would provide for information dealing with beneficial owners. I think in the longer term there's some thought to creating a registry. This obviously involves the provinces. I think at the last federal-provincial finance ministers meeting, as I recall, I think the provinces and the federal government agreed that there should be action taken on that front. In light of the fact that several provinces have legislation allowing for the incorporation of organizations, it's important for us to work with them so that we can come up with a scheme that will allow us to obtain that kind of information—that is to say, who is ultimately the beneficial owner of a corporation that's being set up.
To your immediate question on whether we're drafting something, no, we're not. We are in the process of developing an approach that will then result in our going to drafting.