Thank you.
With regard to PWGSC, and specifically on the seizure side, the chair asked a question early in our study about local law enforcement agencies—whether municipal, regional, provincial—and the issue of seizures. Some of the fines are coming to the federal government, and yet the local agencies are putting in a lot of the work in investigations in a lot of cases...and partnership. There is this idea—and I'm curious if you think it's real or overstated—that the local law enforcement agencies would go after or investigate.... Because usually money laundering or criminal activity is not one thing, and they may pursue a drug charge or some other charge that, one, may be easier to prove, and two, the proceeds or any fines would then go to those agencies, whether provincial, municipal, etc.
Have you heard of this? Obviously they wouldn't necessarily tell the federal government they're not going to pursue it this way because they get to keep the funds that keep it going. Are there rumblings that this is an issue on the enforcement side and where the proceeds of crime end up going in terms of bottom lines and budgets for police forces across the country?