Thank you for those answers. I hope that the registry of final owners will be ready by the end of July 2019. I also hope that the committee will join me in asking that the government act in this file.
You stated that the 42 ongoing investigations are related to offshore tax evasion cases, but we are still far from seeing results; you are still at the investigational stage. At this stage, your department often does a cost-benefit analysis, and in some cases decides not to go forward with prosecution and to settle cases outside of court. Consequently, the case does not go before a judge, and yet these are often tax evasion cases.
In the KPMG affair, a settlement was reached involving large amounts, albeit, but the case was not taken as far as it could have gone, which would have sent a signal to Canadians that offshore tax evasion is not acceptable and that it has consequences. This sends a contradictory message. Are you reviewing your practices?