First, the business transformation was essential. I was looking yesterday, and almost six years ago to the day there was a committee appearance to review the PCMLTFA, and a former colleague, who has since retired, was here, and I think at that point it was made clear that CRA had to renew its criminal investigations program, and this is what we did.
We had 32 small offices conducting mostly small cases of tax evasion. The desire at that point was to be closer to our partners, the RCMP, the securities commissions, the Public Prosecution Service of Canada, and others to tackle the most egregious cases of tax evasion. That was the driver behind it, how to get a greater critical mass of investigators and greater teams put together to tackle those large files that we are now doing. That was the driver behind it.
In realigning 32 offices into six offices, we lost some expertise. We knew we would lose some expertise, but at the same time, it was an opportunity for us to get new blood—new auditors—and external talent at the same time. That was also at the same time that tax evasion became a predicate offence to money laundering.
We trained all of our folks on money laundering components to sensitize them, and I think we are doing very well. There are still a lot of things that we can do better, but I think we are on the right track to conduct the type of investigations that Canadians expect of us on the most egregious cases.