I think OSFI has a regulatory sandbox project that maybe could be expanded to have small projects where you could try some of these new technologies. Maybe that might not be appropriate for some of the larger banks, but I do know they do it for smaller organizations looking to try new things, and perhaps that might be an avenue for some of those things.
There's been a little bit of talk about clearing houses for information where perhaps you could have beneficial ownership as well as other information being fed in. To tell you the truth, as great as that sounds, I'm extremely reluctant when you see that you have credit bureaus being hacked. You see Facebook structuring itself in such a way that, again, there are breaches or potential breaches. Anytime you have something that's large and big, and inevitably if it's run by government, oftentimes when the budget comes round and people look to save, they don't necessarily update it or continue to keep things strong and that could leave it open to all sorts of things.
Then we also have existing registries, like in B.C. we have the land title registry, which works very well and has always been paid for by those who use it. Again, there would be transition costs and amalgamation costs. There are challenges when you amalgamate certain centres to a central authority; and there are those vulnerabilities. While I like the idea and perhaps we could use things like blockchain, how would you address some of those concerns?
I'd like to start with the bankers.