Mr. Julian, having been down this road a few times, I find it works best to deal with one section at a time. Members do have the right to exhaust their questions. We're not going to keep to your five minutes. We'll go back and forth until you get your questions answered on the budget implementation act. That is what we try to do.
I think it's better for the department and for us if we stick to one part, complete that, and go to the next.
On the three budget implementation acts, we've tried several scenarios, and to be honest with you, that's the one that works best. We'll stick to all the questions on part 3 on this one. Then we'll deal with part 5 of the greenhouse gas pollution pricing act. If we think we have to revisit some of those points, we have done that in the past as well.
I think we'll complete our discussion on this one and then go to the other one. The officials will likely still be in the room. In fact, Mr. Coulombe is on both, so he can cross over on the two.
Mr. Poilievre.