The way this legislation was designed, there's a first part, the fuel charge part, and a second part, the output-based pricing system. The output-based pricing system is mainly an element that enables the making of regulations to implement the measures.
In terms of the fuel charge, the government believes the rules that are spelled out here are enough to make the fuel charge operate, but this is a new scheme. Essentially, regulatory powers were created, and the goal is essentially to use those powers to address situations that would occur, that would be raised by stakeholders or by the CRA in respect of the application of the charge, that would not be in accordance with the policy intent.
We have no experience with the particular mechanism that is before you, but in a similar pricing mechanism, there's a risk of double pricing and there's a risk of absence of pricing. The regulatory power is there so that the government can quickly react to particular situations in order to potentially close a loophole or—