Thank you.
To address the first part of your comment/question, we're obviously pleased with where the economy is today. We do believe that Canada is competitive. We had an 8% increase in business investment in 2017. We do, however, know that there's always more work to be done. We recognize that the changes in the global environment—the NAFTA discussions, the changes in U.S. tax rates—require us to ensure that we think about how we can continue on our positive track around competitiveness for the long term. We do, though, see competitiveness as much more than trade, and that's very important, much more than taxes, although they're also very important. We do see it as having a very successful and resilient labour force.
In answering your question directly, we know that in an era where we're now at the lowest unemployment rate we've seen in 40 years, we need to think about how we get and keep people in the workforce, so the Canada workers benefit is an important factor in that goal. The funding of the LMDAs in the provinces is also critically important to make sure that we deal with people who go through the opportunity to find new jobs in different fields. The way to think about this is, as good as the economy is now—and we think of it in terms of the number of Canadians working—there's always more work to be done. The Canada workers benefit is an important step in that trajectory, but we'll need to consider what the next steps are in keeping that going.