Thank you, Mr. Chair.
Division 8 of part 6 proposes amendments to the Canadian International Trade Tribunal Act in relation to the appointment of tribunal members. The CITT is a quasi-judicial tribunal that conducts inquiries and hears appeals on various aspects of trade policy. Its mandate includes conducting injury inquiries for anti-dumping and countervailing duty or safeguard investigations in Canada's trade remedy system, hearing government procurement complaints related to Canada's free trade agreements, and adjudicating appeals on customs and excise tax matters.
The tribunal is composed of up to seven members, including a chairperson, who are appointed by the Governor in Council for a term of up to five years.
Division 8 of part 6 of the Budget Implementation Act, 2018, No. 1, includes three amendments to the Canadian International Trade Tribunal Act. The first would create one vice-chairperson position. Thus, the tribunal would always have a maximum of seven members, including one chairperson and one vice-chairperson.
The second amendment clarifies the rules for member's eligibility for re-appointment.
The third amendment clarifies that the vice-chairperson may act as chairperson in the interim, as necessary, and provides for the appointment of the vice-chairperson in the interim.
These changes will provide greater clarity, flexibility, and efficiency in the process for appointing members to the tribunal.
We're happy to take any questions.
Thank you.