What industry would argue is that pension plans within Canada or sovereign funds from outside of Canada don't need to hold that kind of capital back, and can obviously bid higher for some of these assets. That being said, it's a different argument for a different day, because it's not part of the BIA, but I appreciate your answers on this.
I'd like to quickly go back to the fintech side. I'm basing this on our analysts' report which says:
respectively, to permit financial institutions to act - subject to the terms, conditions and restrictions set out in regulations - as an agent for any person involved in the provision of financial services.
What they're saying is that if I have a depositor, I'm going to act as an agent to help them receive financial assistance, whether it be an app-based service, etc., so that we're just authorizing the bank to be able to digitize the information on behalf of their depositors.
Is that what's contemplated here?