First of all, I think the former director came to the committee and spoke to the decision that he exercised under his discretion. The one thing I'd probably say, though, is that under the legislation the way it currently is, a bank cannot be named until all proceedings have been completed, including any potential appeals process. That is a question for the committee: is that where it should be or not?
However, Finance Canada, as well as our past director, also identified and committed that they will look at ways of being more transparent. I believe in transparency and openness wherever possible, so I'm very much looking forward both to your review and also to the document, the discussion paper, put out by Finance, which actually talks to the naming issue as well.
I am committed to ensuring that we continue on that work, and with the administrative monetary penalty review as well, in being able to create the proper program. As the regime puts it, it's an administrative monetary penalty; it's intended to be not the first response but a response within the tool kit. I am committed to being able to work with the committee as well as Finance Canada on the naming and what is the most appropriate method going forward.