I am. Actually, we met with Mr. Eby as well when he came to Ottawa. We had a very constructive and very productive meeting.
As you know, the role of FINTRAC is twofold. One is to help businesses comply with the act so that we get the information and can then provide intelligence to law enforcement organizations. They can then do their work in terms of enforcement.
At that meeting, we spoke about how we can work better together, about how our information can be accessed, and about the work we've been doing. We also explained to Mr. Eby that we have increased some of our assessment activity in both the real estate and casino sectors. In fact, we've increased our assessments of real estate agents significantly over the past few years, to the point where 30% of all our assessments are in the real estate sector. A number of those are in Vancouver, Toronto, and other areas of the country.
Moreover, we have developed a casino forum where we provide information. We're doing a lot of outreach as well to explain to people the importance of that information, so that we can get it. With the casino forum, we've had provincial administrators or regulators of casinos, as well as casino owners and people who actually worked at the casinos. We were able to provide enough information where we did actually see an improvement in the number of suspicious transaction reports...and the number, so both quality and quantity of suspicious transaction reports in the real estate sector and in casinos. Once we get those, we create actionable intelligence for law enforcement to then take it to the next round.
We have been working collaboratively, and we've agreed to continue to work collaboratively.