Good afternoon, Mr. Chair, vice-chairs, and members of the committee. Thank you for inviting me once again to lend my voice to your study on consumer protection and oversight in relation to schedule I banks.
With me today is my colleague, as Mr. Chair indicated, Mr. Richard Bilodeau, who is the managing director of the agency's supervision and promotions branch. We are both very pleased to be here today to answer your questions on FCAC's report published in March entitled “Domestic Bank Retail Sales Practices Review”. The report details the findings of our latest industry review.
I must say that this review was the most significant supervisory initiative we have ever undertaken at the agency since we were created in 2001. For nine months a dedicated team of staff under Richard's direction worked diligently towards achieving the review's objective, which was to identify and understand the drivers of sales conduct, which could increase the risk of mis-selling to consumers and breaching market conduct obligations. The scope of this research covered the banks' sales targets and incentive programs and the controls banks have in place to mitigate these risks associated with sales practices.
The FCAC reviewed more than 4,500 complaints related to sales practices to gain a better understanding of the issues consumers experience when acquiring bank products and services. We reviewed over 100,000 pages of bank documents on matters ranging from training, performance and sales management, to compliance, risk management and internal audit.
And we interviewed more than 600 bank employees, including 200 from 30 branches. Our sample included board chairs and directors, senior management, middle management and frontline customer service representatives in call centres and branches.
The key findings as set out in our report are as follows: Retail banking culture is focused predominantly on selling products and services, increasing the risks that consumers' interests may not always be given the appropriate priority. The design of banks' financial and non-financial incentives, sales targets, and scorecards may increase the risk of mis-selling and breaching market conduct obligations. Certain products, business practices, and distribution channels present higher-risk sales practices. Governance frameworks do not manage sales practice risk effectively. Finally, controls that mitigate the risks associated with sales practices are underdeveloped.
The report does not address potential breaches of consumer provisions of the Bank Act and its regulations. If potential breaches were identified during the course of our review, the allegations are currently being investigated separately as part of our normal enforcement process.
While we did not uncover evidence of widespread mis-selling, we did find that the risk of mis-selling and breaching market conduct obligations existed across all six banks. We identified a number of areas that banks must improve upon to better protect consumers.
For example, we expect the messages of consumer centricity disseminated by bank leaders to be better aligned with bank programs and their underlying infrastructure. We want to see them design compensation programs that encourage employees to work in the interest of their customers rather than perhaps the interests of sales targets, and we would like them to align their control and governance framework measures accordingly.
Going forward, the agency will monitor their progress on these and other recommendations. Although our report on the industry review has been released, our work continues. We will soon provide an institution-specific report to each of the six banks, and we will work to ensure that the necessary changes to mitigate the risks identified in the report are implemented. We are also planning a mystery shopping exercise to enhance our understanding of how the risk drivers we identified during our review may materialize.
Rounding out my introductory remarks, I will say that, as a result of the industry review, FCAC now has a deeper understanding of the context within which the financial institutions we regulate are operating. With this, we will enhance our supervisory capacity to be more proactive and to oversee organizations with increased rigour and skill.
To illustrate this commitment, we are currently preparing to implement a modernized supervision framework, which was informed by this review. In addition, we are increasing our supervision bench strength and enhancing our information for consumers about financial products and their rights and responsibilities.
I expect some of you have questions that will allow me to elaborate on these and other implications of our industry review. Mr. Bilodeau and I would be pleased to address them, at the chair's discretion.
Thank you.