Thank you.
With regard to credit insurance, because I think that's what your question was about, I think one of the issues that we've identified in the report is that it's a product that's usually sold rather than bought. It's not a product for which a customer will particularly call in to the bank and say, “I'd like credit insurance for my credit card.” When that happens, I think that in the context of that consumer being in a position where he's being offered this product in addition to getting a credit card, it's important that the information that the bank communicates to the consumer about the product be clear, simple, and not misleading. That is a legislated requirement. It's in the regulations. The banks have to be transparent when they're trying to secure the person's consent.
We've identified some issues in the report about being clear that if you're getting what they refer to in the sector as a free look period, where the first 30 days are essentially free, you're not charged if you don't keep the product. That needs to be communicated in a way that's clear, simple, and not misleading.
The recommendation is really that that's the legislation. Banks need to abide by those requirements.