We gradually will evolve the portfolio over time. I would say with respect to the U.S. that because it's the biggest economy in the world, the biggest capital market in the world, and one of the most developed investment markets in the world, it's likely to continue to be a large portion of our investments.
I'd say that gradually, over time, we'll increase our emerging market exposure. That's approximately 15% of the portfolio today. We published, on page 31 of the annual report, the strategic portfolio, which represents where we anticipate heading toward by 2022. We increase the emerging market weight toward 22% and we'd anticipate it to increase after that toward one-third of the fund. By 2025, we anticipate emerging markets will be 47% of global GDP, and by 2026 China could overtake the U.S. as the largest economy in the world, so we anticipate more of the money, being more responsible, to be more diversified into emerging markets over time.