Okay. That ends it for questions.
We'll get to the officials in a second, but there are a couple of points that maybe your officials will want to consider. We have heard, both here and on the road, that simplifying compliance was a big concern. One of the witnesses we heard in New York talked about having a user-friendly reporting system with just a drop-down menu and a check box. Those are some things that need to be thought about.
We heard a lot about securities, and we heard from the U.S. and in our meetings with our folks in Canada that our folks don't take the securities issue seriously enough in terms of money laundering. That would be a second point.
Trade transparency was a third, in that when something is imported into a country and then exported, there's different documentation and the numbers don't match.
Geographic targeting is used a fair bit in the U.S., and it led to some big findings.
Both sides mentioned trusts and layers of trusts.
The last one, beyond what's already been said, is that sharing of information is crucial, especially among banks. Currently, if somebody is doing not above-board work and is shut off by one bank, he just moves down the street to another. There has to be a way of finding that information somehow, and then you have to balance all of that against privacy.
Those are other thoughts that weren't mentioned by committee members but that we certainly heard on the road.
With that, Mr. Minister, I know you're on a tight time schedule and that we're a little over that. Thank you very much for your presentation.
We'll take a one-minute break and bring the rest of the officials forward.