From what they tell me, they certainly do. I think, based on how diabetes is normally treated, it is highly probable they do. I can't attest to whether their applications were filled out completely clearly or whether they avoided using terms the CRA objects to, some of which we're working to try to have allowed. For example, the CRA explicitly does not allow anybody to count the time they spend counting carbohydrates in order to calculate their dose of insulin against the 14 hours. That is an interpretation. It's not written into the Income Tax Act that you can't count that, but it's an interpretation of the CRA that you can't count that. Because it is actually impossible to calculate a dose of insulin without counting carbohydrates, some people, quite rightly, make mention of doing that in their application. That instantly gets them rejected.
It is possible that those thousand or so applications included the mention of things that may make them not eligible. It's also probable that some of those applications were rightly disallowed, but there's a real gap between the understanding of the eligibility criteria and the application of them that we're trying to fill.