I don't know if I agree with you.
We heard a presentation from a delegation just before you, from Jeff Morrison, who is with the Canadian Housing and Renewal Association, and they are calling for an indigenous strategy. That's as a result of $1.5 billion being invested in this space, in national indigenous organizations, and that is not flowing to all of the members, even though you count all of our members as part of your delegation. As your membership, we're still looking for another way to flow money. I'm nervous that we're creating another Indian Affairs that's almost the same as what's in place now, but held by the AFN.
There are many things that need to be sorted out in terms of how the money flows in the north. We're dealing with a lot of social issues as a result of having a poor economy in the north. As we talk about reconciliation, we can't really have reconciliation without economic reconciliation. How does the AFN view that? How are we going to tackle that?