Kwe. Good morning, Mr. Chair. I thank you and the committee for the opportunity to appear today, and I thank the Algonquin nation for welcoming this meeting here on their unceded territory.
On behalf of the Assembly of First Nations, we begin by recognizing the unprecedented level of investment in the last three budgets. These investments have begun to address Canada's commitment to end the two-decade-long 2% cap, a temporary measure applied without regard to population growth, inflation and other cost pressures. Lifting that cap was the right thing to do. However, first nations' outcomes in social and economic development have been flat or have regressed during that time. As a result, this work is not complete. Additional investments are needed. As we will explain, the monies identified in the last three budgets must reach first nations more efficiently and effectively so that the impact can be felt on the ground, where it is needed.
The committee's theme this year is economic growth ensuring Canada's competitiveness. In 1996, just as that 2% cap began, the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples published a study identifying the lost opportunity cost to Canada as well as the social cost of failing to invest in first nations. Here last year, the AFN cited to this committee studies showing that closing the socio-economic gap for first nation citizens, Canada's youngest and fastest-growing demographic, would in fact increase Canada's GDP by 1.5% per annum. This year we would balance that thought with the risks of not continuing to invest to close the gap.
From a continuing string of court wins by first nations, it is clear that economic growth and competitiveness rely on stronger co-operation with first nations and on the respect of our rights. It is important for this committee to understand the relationship between the fiscal capacity of first nation governments and the human rights aspect of closing the socio-economic gap.
The Prime Minister committed this government to working with us to realize a new fiscal relationship in order to ensure that essential government services comparable to those received by other Canadians can be provided by first nation governments. We have made some positive steps in the direction and we will be continuing that work. At a minimum, there is a need for transfers to keep up with inflation and total population, to address real needs and respect treaty obligations.
Canada was founded on agreements to fairly share the benefits of the lands and resources, a promise that has not been kept yet remains the way forward. Better partnerships mean stronger first nation governments and a stronger Canada. Continued investment will help build the new fiscal relationship to the benefit of all, fuelling growth and improving Canada's competitiveness.
We have provided this committee with copies of the AFN's pre-budget submission for 2019. The numbers you see, we recognize, are large, reflecting the size of the continuing need arising from decades of underfunding of essential government services.
Canada tells us that the 2% cap on annual increases to first nation budgets has been lifted, and we are pleased to hear that. But in some of the areas identified, such as core governance programs and services, band support funding, operations and maintenance, as well as post-secondary education funding, we have yet to see an annual increase of more than 2% since 1997. These are priorities. The investments identified in our submission would help to redress the damage done over those 20 years to level the playing field and to build the capacity in first nation governments that is needed in order to participate as a full partner with industry or other governments in economic growth.
Before I conclude, I must also highlight the needed investment in languages, both at Canadian Heritage and within the education program in Indigenous Services Canada. This is essential in order to implement the upcoming legislation on indigenous languages. It will help Canada address the effect of the residential school policy that robbed so many of their languages. Studies tell us that a strong base in their first nation languages will help our young people achieve more in school, contributing more to Canada's competitiveness and economic growth. It will help communities to restore pride and to heal, to become stronger and more empowered partners within Canada's economy.
Canada's economic growth relies on better partnerships with first nation governments. The investments outlined in our submission, and in particular those I've highlighted today, will contribute to building those partnerships.
Thank you. Wela'lioq.