Thank you for the question.
Just to make sure I understand, have we also thought about how we can help support the current people in the workforce, as they likely need to transition the types of skills they have? Yes. It's a critical consideration for us as well.
I have been told many times by my members, “Focus on one thing. Do that well. Then think about how that fits with the broader picture.” Primarily, at the moment, our focus is around students. I don't have the numbers with me, so I won't make them up, but a good proportion of people in the PSE system aren't just young people. There are people who choose to go back to school and upskill or re-skill so that they can maintain a competitive edge in the workforce.
Specific to your question, though, there is one thing our employers who are committed to working with us are doing. As they build out the training programs that supplement the work placements for students themselves, they have committed to us to provide those training programs to their current employees as well as the students who might be there for just a few months. That's one specific thing they have committed to doing.