Thank you.
I appreciate all of you being here. I'll try to get in some questions for at least a few of you.
I'll start with MNP. You have provided us 10 recommendations in a 10-point action plan for competitiveness and stimulating growth. I think that's a very key area for recommendations to be made in. We thank you for that.
What we've heard—or at least what I've heard many times—is that while Canada seems to be going in one direction in terms of moving towards more regulation and more taxation, we're seeing our neighbour and our biggest competitor and ally, the United States, going in the opposite direction. There seems to be less taxation, with less regulation, and therefore, there seems to be a lot of business owners who are looking at moving businesses into the United States, away from Canada, if it's a possibility for them. This takes jobs away from Canada into the United States as well, obviously.
I want to first of all get your comment on that. Do you see that phenomenon occurring? Do you believe that the plan you've put forward here will have some impact on reducing that fleeing from Canada to the United States? Also, will it make us more competitive against the United States?