Before I begin, I just want to wish everyone a happy National Forest Week, celebrating all the great social, economic and environmental contributions that the forest industry makes across Canada.
Your question fits very nicely with a point that Mr. Easter was asking about at the last session. We've done a lot of work on trying to harmonize and simplify regulations and make them smart regulations. I mentioned specifically the government's initiative that has just been reported: the “Resources of the Future” initiative. We support that. That's an example of something that I think we should be doing more of.
I encourage all of you to do more of that on an ongoing basis. Don't make these one-off things. Don't wait until the 2020 pre-budget submission process to ask the question again. Keep this going. Keep business leaders and societal leaders engaged in those kinds of processes so that once you've identified your recommendations, you stick to them and you're very determined to action, whatever those recommendations are. Have CEO leadership there. Have the leaders of indigenous communities there. Have other leaders from communities there to make sure that you can go ahead as government and make those changes. Those are actually mission critical. If we don't do that, if we don't get better at this, we're going to lose out to our international competition, and we don't want that. We want sectors like ours to continue to help pay the bills, including those for all the great social programming that Canada does.
Basically in response to your question I would recommend that you keep those business, indigenous and community leaders engaged, and make it happen once you identify the right recommendations.
Thanks for your question.