The primary instance, which I think everyone around the table knows of, is the surf clam quota that was taken away earlier this year. That decision has been reversed. A new process is slated to start next year. We haven't seen any signal that this new process will address our primary concern, which is that it was taken away without any compensation, that they're going to follow a willing buyer, willing seller model for reallocations such as that.
In terms of a chilling effect, obviously that had an impact on that particular company, because they had made investments to upgrade capacity and now some of that capacity is surplus. They have some tough decisions on how they handle that. For everyone else, it's who's next? On the reconciliation agenda, we're not disputing it and we're not opposing it. It's how you undertake it. Everyone else in the sector is worried about who's next. Is my licence the next one that could get taken away? Should I be making that next investment on upgrading our processing equipment or a new boat or providing assistance to inshore harvesters as they're looking to upgrade their equipment for their vessels? Because sometimes people in the industry.... The supply chain is all integrated, so we try to help each other.
Any discretionary investment is being revisited, postponed and perhaps, in some cases, mothballed until this gets addressed.