We are not seeing any appetite from our clients for getting more aggressive from a tax perspective. As I said earlier, I do worry. I think there are some natural things that I look for as a tax professional in the tax environment. It needs to be simple, competitive, transparent, and anytime you get above 50%, it concerns me a little, especially with the competitor down south.
I think our corporate tax rates are at 26% right now. The OECD average is 23%. Ireland is at 12.5%. The U.K. has gone to 19%, and it's moving to 18% or 17%. We need to make sure we do not fall out of favour with multinationals by not being competitive, because frankly, they're the ones that move capital anywhere around the world. They can create jobs anywhere around the world, and—knock on wood—Canada's a good place to do business. I hope that continues.