I appreciate the chair's comment on the fact that it does veer off and I agree with that, but in some ways it's at the heart of the conversation here. The issue we're talking about is how people avoid paying tax. This scheme that was going on with your firm, with the product you were offering, allowed people to either defer or to somehow develop something legal, as you've said, to move their money somewhere that they had to pay less tax on it.
For sure, we need to do more. We need to look into how people move their money around, but there is a much bigger...especially with rising taxation. When personal taxes start to approach, combined provincial and federal tax, the 50-plus range in most jurisdictions, then people who are high net worth start to ask, is it worth it, or businesses start to say that it just isn't worth the effort to go through.
Again, anecdotally, are you seeing that attitude unfold in any of your client base or do you wish to comment on my comment?