Yes, that's right.
I apologize. I didn't really put a list of asks at the bottom of my notes, but one of them would definitely be, can we please reduce the amount of time it takes to review these funding applications?
Environment Canada's EcoAction program usually takes six and a half months to review the applications that groups put in. I just don't understand why it should take half a year to make a decision on those. For that program, we apply by November 1 and we hear sometime in May, usually in the second half of May, about our proposal. It would really be much better to hear in March or by mid-April whether we have the funding or not so that we can go ahead and hire university students who are finishing up in April, and then get on the ground in May and actually get more done.
For the actual in-stream river restoration work, provincial regulations stipulate that it be done between June 1 and September 30.