I appreciate it. I don't mean to cut you off, but I have limited time.
Perhaps you can anticipate my concern. It's not even a concern. Really, it's more of a question. I do see great prospects and potential in 5G, and I think it certainly would help us become very competitive, but because the technology is in its infant stages, I wonder if your recommendation about an accelerated capital cost allowance is putting the cart before the horse when we have a technology that is still in the very early stages. Much of this is theoretical. You have the mad scientists who are trying to work out exactly how it would work. There are issues around signal strength and what high frequencies would do for shorter wavelength. Yes, that's going to increase speed, but how do you put it all together? This is all still being worked out.
I just wonder. What evidence is there to suggest that putting in place the recommendation you're talking about would significantly boost the development of 5G?