It is. Interestingly, I was in your situation not too long ago, and if you had asked me what 5G was, I probably would have said it was a type of aircraft or golf driver. I had not a clue what 5G was.
This is a new world for me. From everything I've seen so far, 5G is going to be extremely revolutionary. Does 5G currently exist? It does in some areas. The South Korean Olympics were using 5G technology. There are some companies in the U.S. where some pilot tests have been announced for 5G. Our federal government has announced a pilot project called ENCQOR, where they are experimenting with 5G.
I call it a revolution, but it's an evolution at the same time. We're just not going to wake up one morning and find 5G available, but to give you a little sense of exactly what 5G is, I describe it like a jam-packed highway. Right now we have 4G in Canada. You're going down the highway. Every once in a while you're going to run into a traffic jam or you're going to run into some difficulties, which means the flow of information slows down, which—and I'm not going to say we're ready for autonomous cars yet—limits what we're able to do in the future. What 5G will offer will be that on that highway, whenever you get into traffic, an extra lane opens up. It is continuous information that will come down the line.
We'll be ready. The federal government has launched its spectrum consultations around 5G. Some of that will be launched in 2020.
Are we leading the world in it? You know, you have South Korea, perhaps Singapore and a few other countries that are doing a touch better than we are. Again, it's so new and it's so revolutionary that we may not want to be first. We're still on the leading edge. In fact, there was a report out recently—and I talked about our LTE networks—that we are at the top there. That should enable us to catch up that much faster when it comes to 5G.
Are we going to see autonomous cars within the next five years? Probably not, but you'll see the constant evolution of autonomous cars. I think eventually we will get to the stage where, over the next 10 years probably, you're going to see a lot of these technologies helping to create new jobs. We heard about the difficulties with regard to finding drivers. There are going to be some autonomous transport trucks that are going to exist, which are going to create that new level of job that these millennials are now working for, where they'll be able to work from home or work in a digital manner. There are going to be a lot of advantages.
Will 5G be ready tomorrow? No, but it will be an evolution over the next number of years.