I mentioned this name earlier. Francis McGuire is a pretty extraordinary person who's involved in economic development. He was brought in by Frank McKenna when Frank McKenna became premier here. He was deputy minister in charge of economic development. He left to become a private sector executive. He has extensive experience in running Major Drilling out of Moncton. When he retired, he was hired as the president of ACOA.
If you really want to fix things in terms of the bureaucracy, I believe that Ottawa should develop a policy for bringing in business executives towards the end of their career. Bring people outside of the civil service in, and not necessarily just business executives, but people with a lot of life experience. Just change it up a little and get some other voices in there from people who aren't afraid to take risks and aren't afraid to make a mistake and be held accountable.
There's a lot of hesitation, I would say, on the part of the bureaucracy. There's a lot of risk in some things that government does.