Yes. In each province, we have an expert advisory committee that is very familiar with the proponent organizations, the nature of the projects and the priority issues.
They will typically take an ask.... We've helped conditionally applicant groups to make reasonable asks and make good proposals, and they'll adapt the ask to the limited pot of money that they have available. You might get a good project—for opening up some salmon habitat or improving water quality in a river—that is larger than what they have and it has to be pared back.
We have had to turn down some salmon count activities, which are really important for understanding the size of the population and what the population is experiencing.
We've had to turn down some really high-quality research proposals. We actually do put quite a bit of money into universities doing research. We see research as a key to helping the use of the conservation dollars go further and be wiser. We've had to turn down some of them.
It's really difficult.