Thank you, Mr. Fergus.
Yes, I'm happy to respond to that. We have a program that puts money in the hands of community groups, first nations, university researchers and others. It works very effectively and efficiently, pursuant to the terms of the Treasury Board agreement; we take that very seriously.
Over the years, since 2007, when we opened our doors, we've seen two or three programs come up through Fisheries and Oceans Canada that have provided funding to just the same groups. It has been almost precisely an overlap and duplication of the kind of work we do, essentially dealing with the same groups that we provide funding to.
I find it ineffective on the part of the government, especially when there is a mechanism that the government has created. It's out there doing good work, and it has a good reputation for rigour and facilitating. When the government introduces a program that overlaps that, I think it's something that really should be avoided.