I completely agree that having it controlled by collective ownership is a great way to do this. These types of enterprises come from local needs, and people know what their needs are. They come together to find a solution. As much as government should not have control, it does need to be part of the ecosystem and contribute in that way.
For example, both provincial and federal governments should be contributing by buying at least a portion of the advertisements in the media. They never get to their actual targets, but they approach them, so that's a way of financing. An issue that we have, especially in radio, is that when they want to diversify their content, they are limited by the fact that they are non-profits.
To recognize that certain types of enterprises are limited in this way, to change the way things work so that these enterprises can have access and diversify their funds, and to make sure they are not continually brought in front of an obstacle—these approaches would be a great way to facilitate people coming together and finding solutions for their radios and their newspapers. Such measures would show government leadership in giving responsibility to citizens while remaining a valuable player in the ecosystem.