Thank you for your question.
We are also asking for additional funds for the Canada Revenue Agency.
I don't know exactly what the CRA's shortfall is, but I know that another Canadian group, Canadians for Tax Fairness, had estimated it to be about $500 million. That said, I don't know the history, exactly, nor how they arrived at that figure. If I find that, I will send the information to the clerk.
As for the objectives we pursue, we believe that this shortfall impairs the proper functioning of the Canada Revenue Agency. I don't want to say anything about the competence of the agency, but there is a strange contradiction at the heart of the problems you describe.
Aside from these additional investments, what we would most like to see are important legislative changes that will give the CRA some new direction.
This could be new laws, new types of taxation, or amendments to existing laws. It is as though the tools they have are not sufficient, are in poor shape, and they simply need new ones in order to be able to function well.
We are asking for a real legislative review of the Canadian tax system, accompanied by the additional investments required. This would allow the CRA to do all of the work it has to do.