We'll call the meeting to order.
We are one member short for a while this morning. Peter Julian had to go back to Ottawa, and I expect Mr. Fergus will soon be here.
Welcome to all the witnesses to our pre-budget consultations for budget 2019. We appreciate anybody who has sent in their submissions prior to this meeting, and we really appreciate your coming today to make your remarks to the committee.
For those witnesses sitting at the table who may not know, we'll start that session at 9 o'clock. When we are on the road, we have open mike sessions, which give organizations and individuals the opportunity to go to a floor mike and make a one-minute statement on issues of concern. It does go into the record and it is considered by the committee. There are no questions for those witnesses from committee members, just so you know what it's about.
We'll start with the open mike session now.
Mr. Jonathan Larochelle, go ahead. You may speak in whatever language you prefer. There are translation services for members.