That is definitely a real barrier for many autistic job seekers, as well as job seekers with intellectual disabilities. There is a risk there. As you're moving into the workforce, you want to ensure that you don't lose some of the very valuable resources you've achieved.
We talk a lot about transformation and transition as you move towards the labour market, to ensure that it's a win-win for everyone, specifically for the person who may have been disengaged from the labour market for a long time and has been either underemployed or unemployed. We always talk about looking at it from a wrap-around perspective, to make sure that as we're moving people to be productive and live full lives, they're not being penalized for that.
Those are all components we look at with RWA as well, as people are moving towards the workplace. Because this project was initially in every province and territory, we've been able to map out all the policy gaps, challenges and barriers that adults with autism and intellectual disabilities face as they move towards the workforce. That has actually started very rich conversations at both the provincial and federal levels, which is another reason we're really encouraging the federal government to support a phase two. Those conversations can't be lost.
We just started breaking down these silos and looking at some pretty significant policy shifts in the provinces and territories around this issue. We're really hoping we'll have an opportunity to continue those conversations.