You took the words right out of my mouth. I think the way to think about this is that any time society goes through a profound economic transition, workers need to know that government is behind them in that transition. Workers need to know that there are government programs, whether employment insurance, income support programs, or community development, training and retraining programs. Those are the kinds of skills and levers that government needs to be able to exercise to support workers in that transition.
It's no accident, in our view, that social democratic countries like the Nordic countries have in fact done this the best. In Denmark, for example, employment insurance benefits last for two years when a worker loses their job. It's easier in those circumstances when workers know they have substantial economic supports for them to transition away from a high-paying job in the coal sector into a new, hopefully high-paying job in renewable energy. So, yes, I would suggest to you that it's the Nordic countries that are the ones best to look at.