Thank you very much.
I was, and am, so interested in rural connectivity that I didn't get to you, Mr. Fraser. I promise you're my second choice. I'm a Queen's alumnus, so I'm coming your way for sure.
We hear so often that, when governments invest in basic research, the investment is important, but ultimately one has to be careful because it might not yield an economic impact, so the economic footprint might not be realized. Therefore, focusing on applied research and supporting colleges is the way to go if you're trying to generate economic growth. As you know, this government has made historic investments in science and supporting scientific research.
I think it's important to continue to make it clear that there is great economic utility in investing in basic or fundamental research. You can call it what you will. I know that Western and Queen's are big rivals, but you'll forgive me for saying that I've seen this happen at Western. Governments have invested in basic research that the university has taken on, which yields economic results and certainly helps to generate jobs at the university and beyond.
In the end, you end up with an idea that then turns into a business, big or small. Where would we be without the funding of basic research when it comes to companies like Apple or Microsoft? All of those tech companies that are thriving now come from that support of basic research.
I wonder if you can speak to this. I think it continues to be an important issue to make clear, not just for our committee, but for the government as a whole.