I just have one last question, for Mr. Greenley. I met with some people from NASA a while ago in the U.S., in Los Angeles. It's not well known, but the U.S. is going to start sending men and women into space from U.S. territory again, and I gather they're looking at putting a community on the moon sometime in 2020 or 2021, basically as a training ground for later going to Mars.
This is one of the difficulties. You're saying that for our space strategy we need to be providing $1 billion to $2 billion over the next 20 years. I don't know whether you'd call it crisis management or what, but one of the problems with budgets is that you have the immediate issues of the day—infrastructure, Internet, health care, etc.—and some of the bigger, very important pictures aren't seen in the immediate term.
Could you lay out how you would see that expenditure of money over time to get to where you want to go? There doesn't have to be $1 billion spent next year, but I think you are saying there needs to be a sincere commitment so your community can see that the federal government is there and is going to be there with money and put the meat on the bones over time.
Can you respond to that? We need to hear, “All right, here's what we need for our participation in space,” which gives your companies opportunities A, B, C and D, if you follow what I mean.