Yes, absolutely.
One of the things Dechinta has been informed by is research-led teaching. We have a research component to our academic programming, as well as the instructional side. Up to this point, we have not been able to access research funding through the federally funded research bodies, and that includes SSHRC and NSERC.
This is a serious problem, because we have researchers who are really excited and want to work with Dechinta. They want to work in northern communities and indigenous communities. All of that research money has been housed at southern institutions. Along with that research money come indirect costs from the federal government to support administration, which is up to 80% of the first $100,000 of research funding. Rather than that money going back into northern communities, it goes again to these southern institutions. Dechinta really wants to change that and to make sure that research funding is actually grounded in, and stays in, the north.