, thank you for the presentation. I think there was a strong message there. We certainly have to be aware of what's happening around us in the disasters and the wildfires, and many of us in the Northwest Territories and across the north are constantly challenged by the practices in the south that are coming over the borders into the north.
I know for a long time we've been dealing with contaminants in the air and acid rain, the type of things that are happening to some of our rivers, and yet we in the north have few greenhouse gas emissions. It's almost not even on the radar, except when it comes to power generation.
Almost all our communities are diesel-powered, and our options are limited. We can't look at solar because we have long periods of darkness. We are looking at wind turbines, but up to now everything we've tried in wind turbines.... The ice buildup and the remoteness are challenging, and we can't accommodate the cost. We provide power subsidies to all our residents in the north. I wouldn't mind hearing what you think is the solution for us in the north. If we did what you suggested and removed all fuel subsidies, we'd have some real challenges. What we have to pay to live in the north is a real incentive for us to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions. I think that's why you see where it's at. Development is also virtually untouched for the most part.