Thank you, Mr. Chair.
Just briefly, at any given time like today, we have 230 high-end cases that are before the courts with large dollar values at stake. However, each year we give 400,000 Canadians taxpayer relief. We resolve over 90,000 tax appeals, where a distinct part of the agency reviews, for free, taxpayers' representations and makes adjustments where it sees fit, so the numbers of ordinary Canadians being served by the agency greatly exceeds the quantum.
In terms of access, I talked about executives needing to be accessible, not just to KPMG and high-end accountants but to all taxpayers. In that same interview I talked about how I, personally, as a senior executive, reviewed all minister mail. If a taxpayer writes to the national revenue minister or the commissioner, somebody at my level actually approves the response, and we don't do so blindly.
I think an important message is that it's not just the large firms that have access to CRA executives but it's the CFIB, boards of trade, accounting firms, bookkeeping firms, and through these other programs I mentioned, the CRA reaches out to help ordinary Canadians.