I want to make a final comment on that. As far as I'm concerned, based on my particular experience, a non-partisan political activity does not exist. Every time you do something, you're partisan. I will give you one example.
For the last three years, I've had the privilege of being a member of Parliament. After three years, I know exactly which organizations are working, and as everybody knows, we can give publicity to some organizations. That year, a specific event had no publicity. They asked a member of Parliament—not me—to give some money from their budget. I was surprised. They said that because I was a Conservative, they didn't want my money. I said, “Hell, I'm not a Conservative. I'm your member of Parliament. This is your money. I want to help you.” They said to me, “No. You're a Tory. We don't want your money”. It was supposed to be a very friendly, harmonious activity, but for them it was a political event.
I can tell you, based on my experience—and I've been in politics for the last 10 years—it's impossible to describe whether a political activity is partisan or not.