I'll just give an overview of a change to the Export and Import Permits Act. It's in clause 415 of the budget implementation act.
The Export and Import Permits Act, or EIPA, provides the Minister of Foreign Affairs with the authority to control the import and export of goods through permit requirements. The Minister of Foreign Affairs currently has the authority to determine import access quantities, to determine a method for allocating those quantities, and to issue allocations for goods included on the import control list for the purpose of implementing an intergovernmental arrangement or commitment.
The budget implementation act, 2018, no. 2, includes one amendment to the EIPA to add an additional authority under which the Minister of Foreign Affairs may determine import access quantities in order to allocate those quantities. The additional authority would be for goods added to the import control list for facilitating the implementation of certain trade actions taken under the customs tariff that may require the use of import permits. This includes safeguard measures that are used in exceptional circumstances to respond to import surges that may harm Canadian producers and workers, and trade measures that respond to actions taken by other countries that adversely affect Canadian trade. This amendment will allow the Government of Canada to administer such trade actions in a more predictable manner that will contribute to market stability.